Monday, October 03, 2005

Religion Kills

I never know what to say when someone asks me if I'm religious. I hate that word. Religion to me is about man's attempts to get to God with rules and programs and do's and dont's or man's attempts to play God by gaining power and control. Christianity, true Christianity, is God reaching out to us. It's about forming a relationship with the One that created you, it's about walking and talking with Him everyday, it's about learning to love and be loved, finding out what your purpose is and what true freedom in Christ is all about. Anything else we've made it in the name of religion is just crap. My friend wrote something several years ago about this...

Religion Kills

Isn't it amazing how the human race can twist things that were
meant for good into instruments of evil...Religion has been used to
push extreme political viewpoints, racism, destruction of cultures,
hatred, selfishness and ignorance.

Modern churches are often closed off from the real world. They
have become stained-glass bunkers where people hide from those
in pain. Society is crumbling and the religious system is more
concerned with building programs, choir robes, padded pews and
fattening up their bank accounts.

Televangelists beg for money on TV. They stride across the stage
in expensive suits and preen for the cameras. Christianity has
become an industry where cash is more important than integrity.
This was never part of the original plan. Humans have smeared the
reflection of God with their dirty fingers.

Jesus did not come to promote His books, cassettes, television show
or any of the other commercial junk that has been stamped with a
cross and marketed like products at the mall. Jesus was sent for a
simple purpose. He became our sacrifice for sin. He took our place
on the cross. Because of His virgin birth, sinless life, death and
resurrection, we can have hope, mercy, forgiveness and healing.

The fact that most churches are afraid to go into the shadows to
help the wounded is the exact opposite of how Jesus lived His life.
His friends are hookers and thieves, rejects and misfits. He came
for the broken ones. He loves goths, punks, gays, addicts, hippies,
freaks, alcoholics, convicts and rebels. We're all sick of religion.
It's nothing but a dog and pony show. True seekers are not
impressed. All most of us ever wanted was truth and hope. We
can't find it in a system. We can find it in the person of Christ.
Learn the difference between real and fake.

Outcast Press


firetigerx said...

Beautiful, and so true.

I am not at all Christian, but i was moved by what you wrote. I think my problem with organized religion is the very thing you mentioned about it being an industry. I consider myself a spiritual person and i believe in a higher power, but i have always been turned off by 'religious' people trying to sell me God.

God cannot be bought or sold no more than one's own soul...

Unknown said...


Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I want this to be a place where anyone, regardless of what they believe, will feel comfortable here. I'm not one to try to convert anyone or 'sell' God. That's God's job, not mine. I just write about my life with it's struggles and triumphs and hopefully someone can glean something from it.